As you know, we are in the middle of preparing for the opening of 'Fantastic Narrative' around here at Brumfield's Gallery. The event will take place on Saturday from 7 - 9 p.m. here at the gallery.
We thought you'd like a little sneak peek at some of the works currently going up on the walls…
Joseph Cowman, a local artist, delivered the four pieces he'll have in the show. They're all from the same series focusing on the four elements. You can find him on our inventory
We also received one of the newest pieces from Bill Carman today. You can find the rest of his work
'Rider Rodent'
Additionally, we received a shipment from Kyla Zoe Rafert, including the two pieces destined for this most imminent show (one you may recognize from the invitation). The rest of her work, for two different upcoming shows, can be found
'West Indies'
'Flower Chain'
To finish out the show, we will also be showing some of Gary McCauley's work. The rest of his work can be found on our inventory
'Out of the Unremembered and Into the Unknown'
'Broken Things'
'James Never Knew He Was Different'
If you'd like to read more about any of these artists, don't forget that we always post each show's press release on our
Scribd page.
Both Bill Carman and Joseph Cowman will be coming to the opening on Saturday, so be sure to stop by to chat them up!