Friday, August 30, 2013

Kristian Adam's Exhibition Opening

Mark your calendars!

Don't forget to stop by Kristian Adam's exhibition opening for 'A Woodland Recital' tomorrow evening from 7 - 9 p.m. here at the gallery.

See you there!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Kristian Adam Cover

Kristian Adam's 'Tabla Drummer' is gracing the cover of the Boise Weekly this week.

The Weekly has also included a short blurb about the upcoming show just in time for his exhibition opening this Saturday from 7 - 9 p.m.

Pick up a free copy today!

Friday, August 23, 2013

More Artist Pages

As we mentioned in our last post, we're starting to update to our website.  The biggest change is the additional artist pages we're adding to nearly every artist currently in the Brumfield's Gallery.

This week we're just about finished adding information for each of our Selected Artists and the artists currently featured in our Gift Gallery.  Now you can read about Kay Seurat's jewelry, Bill Carman's paintings, and Erik Haagensen's ceramics (arriving Monday!).

If you've ever wanted to know more about any particular artist in our gallery, pop on over the website to see what we have up so far.  If your favorite artist isn't up yet, we assure you he or she will be soon!

Happy weekend!

Monday, August 19, 2013

Artists Pages

We're currently working on a new feature for the gallery's website.

Want to see?...

 If you peruse our inventory (found on the Inventory Search tab), you'll find the list of Selected Artists on the left.  Soon, each name will have a link to their own artist's page, where we'll include an image and a short statement about each artist's body of work.

As you can see, we have information up for Ego (our current exhibiting artist), and the next two upcoming artists, Kristian Adam and Michael de Meng.  The rest of the selected artists will be linked up shortly, so keep an eye out for that.

Go ahead and check it out for yourself!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Michael de Meng's Press Release

We've recently published Michael de Meng's press release on Scribd.  Follow this link to read.

Happy reading!

Friday, August 9, 2013

Gallery changes

We've received some exciting parcels for the gallery in the past few days!

Below are the Gnome Be Gones we've included in the gallery shop.  They're from Sugarpost Metal, who design creatures and trinkets from leftover scrap metal.  They have some turtle friends in the gallery as well.

We also received the work for Kristian Adam's upcoming solo exhibition, 'A Woodland Recital.'  They're hiding for now, but they'll debut on Saturday, August 31st.  Or, if you come by the gallery and ask before August 31st, they might come out for a sneak peek.

We're also open for late hours this Friday and Saturday from 7 - 9 p.m., so stop by after dinner!  Have a great weekend!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Kristian Adam Press Release

We've just published the press release for the next exhibition opening in the end of August.  Kristian Adam will be coming to Boise from Canada for his solo exhibition, titled 'A Woodland Recital.'

Adam working in his studio.  This piece will be included in his show at the gallery.

You can find the press release on Scribd, along with press releases and exhibition lists from our past shows.

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