Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Upcoming: Love Story

We've just sent out the invites to our upcoming show, opening on Saturday, February 8 from 7 -9 p.m. here at the gallery. 'Love Story' will feature the work from Erin Ruiz and Beth Bojarski, both of whom created new work based on the theme of love.

We've also published the press release for the show on Scribd.  You can read it here.

Beth's work has arrived at the gallery and is now on her artist page on our website.  We will show you a few peeks...

Every Tuesday in April

Hair Hats

Stay tuned this week and next (on the blog or our Facebook) on updates for how the show is coming along!

We have a bit of news for another show as well.  We've revived our KickStarter campaign for Leigh Dyer's commissioned show coming in September 2014.  We truly appreciate, and need, any help we can receive for this project!  If you'd like to donate (and receive an exclusive prize!) please follow the link here or find our project 'Creating Monkey Business' on Kickstarter.


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