If you're not familiar, Artsy is an online directory to quite a few of the world's top galleries. They promote and feature art galleries in order to make the art world accessible amongst the public to facilitate learning, collecting, and discovering new art works and galleries. Here's their mission in their own words:
Artsy's mission is to make all the world's art accessible to anyone with an Internet connection. We are an online platform for discovering, learning about, and collecting art. Our crowing collection compires 95,000+ artworks by 18,000+ artists from leading art fairs, galleries, museums, and art institutions. Artsy provides one of the largest collections of contemporary art available online.
Artsy's mission is to make all the world's art accessible to anyone with an Internet connection. We are an online platform for discovering, learning about, and collecting art. Our crowing collection compires 95,000+ artworks by 18,000+ artists from leading art fairs, galleries, museums, and art institutions. Artsy provides one of the largest collections of contemporary art available online.
Our current show, Heidi Preuss Grew and Michael Barnes, is now up as one of their featured shows as well. You can find us under their 'Current Museum & Gallery Shows' page or follow the link here.